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Writer's pictureKexin Zhang

Pre - Production Metting Summary

Time: Monday at 5:00 pm

Group member 1: Jialin Mei

  • The host of the Podcast and speak in every segment, including the introduction

  • Recognizes 3 pictures that can be utilized on the microsite

Group member 2: Ruihan Wang

  • Speak in segment 1 and 2

  • Editor the microsite and locate 3 images and audio on the website

  • Collects sources from all group members and make a full list of Reference to be included on the microsite

Group member 3: Cuiwen Zhou

  • Speak in 1, 2, 3 segments and the leader of segment 2

  • Integrate the questions raised by everyone to form the three topics of the Podcast and determine the theme

  • Coordinate everyone script and arrange the order for their speaking

Group member 4: Baiyu Wang

  • Speak in 1, 2, 3 segments and the leader of segment3

  • Direct the Podcast

  • Remind team members to complete the task before the deadline

Group member 5: Kexin Zhang

  • Speak in 2, 3 segments

  • Record the Podcast in Zoom and editor the Podcast

  • Search and provide suitable intro music and transition music for the Podcast

According to the discussion of our group, we split the Podcast into three parts, each of which takes about 8min. The introduction and intro music add up to about 45s. Cuiwen, the scrip coordinator, integrates the four questions that we came out into three segments, which is the three topics in our Podcast, and decides the theme for our Podcast, which is "How do Disney films contribute to the society's values and norm gender roles." Our three topics are "what are some gender roles that leading males and leading females(characters) take, and how do they contribute to the construction of social norms?", "How do Disney films represent masculine is feminine values? What are some of the feature that makes you think this way?", and "How does Disney take advantages of physical characteristic to express certain gender roles (fairy tales, sci fi, and superheroes)." Then Ruihan Wang said she has the experience and the ability to do the microsite, so she is the one in our group to create the microsite account at Wix and collects sources from all group members, and locates three images in the microsite. Also, Kexin Zhang said she had taken a music course that taught her to edit the audios and done a podcast in that course, so she will be the Podcast editor in our group. Since Ruihan and Kexin take the responsibility to do the technical parts, they will only participate in two speaking parts of the Podcast. Therefore, in addition to the host, Jialin, other members, Baiyu and Cuiwen, will participate in each segment. Then, as the host, Jialin plays the role of connecting each member's speech, asking questions, and summarizing each segment. For me, I need to prepare my script for the Podcast and select the order of speaking in my section. Also, Since I'm the recorder for the Podcast, I need to prepare the audio recording facilities to ensure that the audio can be fully recorded. Finally, our group decided to record our Podcast together on Zoom on Tuesday at 5:00 pm.

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