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Writer's pictureKexin Zhang

Week 10 EXTRA CREDIT: Farewell Responses to SIX classmates

Ruihan Wang

Hi Ruihan, I see how your abilities have improve during this course. The topic, Disney film and Gender role, helps to shape your perception about female and male gender role, which females are always showed gentle and family-friendly while males are always showed by their masculinity. Besides, I noticed that this course help you develop an ability to create a website, and group project help develop your communication skills. In fact, for me, these abilities have also been improved. I am a person with no sense of design, so designing web pages is actually a weak point for me. However, in this class, after reading the websites of many classmates, I carefully observed their typesetting and illustrations, which really helped me a lot to create my website.

Jiayi Chen

Hi Jiayi. Your two transformative learning experience are so great. I reckon that most of us have already had a better understand about social construction of gender values after watching those different types Disney films and articles about gender. Besides, it’s true that WR 39A course not only help us in our writing ability, but also develops our abilities in multimedia while creating Podcast and our Website. I noticed that you have a time issue on assignment, and I reckon that I could give you some advices since I’m good at time manager. You must start your homework in advance, and you must set a due date for yourself before the due day, which is your own due day and not the assignment's due day. In addition, when you decide to start a project, be sure to do it all at once. Don't leave it half done, otherwise it will affect your progress

Cuiyao Zeng

Hi Cuiyao. I clearly see your two transformative learning in WR 39A course. I’ve read many final reflection from our classmates and I find that most of us have a better understanding about gender values during this course and our multimedia abilities and communication skills have been improved well. I see you say you have a problem with your grammar and I want to say that I have the same problem. Since I always use Grammarly, a grammar auto checker, which reinforces my dependency. I reckon we should pre-read our text before using Grammarly, which could enhance our abilities to correct the mistakes.

Vy Luu

Hi Vy. The content of your final reflection is so interesting. You combine what you learned in this course with your experience to further express your thoughs about gender values. Besides, it’s true that second sources will prove us another aspect of ideas for the film, which could help us better understand the scenes and characters. For the two problems you mentioned, going back to discussion and procrastination, I’d to say it’s our common problems. I didn’t have a habits of peer review in class before, but this course often requires us to go back to our assignment to do peer review on others work, which could make us learn from others work and improve our abilities of peer review.

Kai Wen

Hi Kai. I have to confess that doing annotation while watching a film indeed helps us to have a better understanding for characters and scenes. Some films, like Beauty and Beast, I’ve watched before did not leave a deep impression on me, but after I finished the annotation, I not only memorized some important plots, but also had a deeper understanding of gender roles of characters. For your two problems, I reckon that you should pay more attention on the requirements since the professor always bold or color the important details in the instruction. Besides, on the end of the instruction, there is always a note for minimum requirement, which you should notice that. Anyway, you could work better if you have more patience as you said.

Jialin Mei

Hi Jialin. I see that you achieve a great improvement on the definition of gender values while analyzing princess and multimedia skills. I reckon this kind of improve could not only help us reshape the understanding of gender roles and apply our multimedia skills in our future study and even work. You also mentioned that group project enhances your cooperation and communication skills, which makes you be more motivated. I really feel the same way about it. I think a good team can work together and make progress together. For your problems, I know interest is the best teacher, but you could try to find an interest from it. Take me as an example, I used to dislike Marvel films since I consider that is boring superhero films. However, since I started to watch Marvel films from Iron Man 1 in due to the assignment of annotation on superhero films, I suddenly fell in love with Marvel movies. I found an interest that I didn't find before, so I spent a week watching Marvel movies every night and watched all the films.

Due to the epidemic, we can only take online classes now, without face-to-face teaching or face-to-face communication with classmates. Although online courses lead to less communication between us and professors and peers, I think group projects can overcome these problems. For the WR 39A course this quarter, Dr. Lynda Hass gives us opportunities to know each other through many assignments, for example, peer review, group project, “Me in six words,” and personal website. Due to those assignments, we could see our classmates’ self-image in their PowerPoint or on their website to know them. Also, doing peer review is a way to learn from others’ work and provides a way to know each other. Besides, Podcast Project encourages a group of people to cooperate and communicate, making friends. Other abilities like written literacy have also been improved in addition to communicating and writing skills. We’re assigned many articles to read, annotate, and analyze during the whole quarter, enhancing our ability to read articles and analyze articles.

Nice to See You!


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